Awaria puts you in charge of maintaining generators that not only keep you safe from ghosts, but also let you find romance with them.
Author: Joel Couture
‘Pretend it’s not There’ Tries to Ignore a Deadly Creature
Pretend it’s not There shows you that there’s sometimes value in ignoring your problems. At least when they’re lanky, murderous monsters.
‘Desmond’s Castle’ Battles Mini Vampires on a Time Limit
Desmond’s Castle gives you ten minutes to explore its gloomy halls, find secret weapons, solve puzzles, and overcome its vampire lord.
‘Crusty Proto’ – Retro Horror With Increasingly Goofy Glitches
Crusty Proto sees you trying to escape a city overrun by zombies, except something seems to be hilariously off about the game’s programming.
Trailer Tuesday – Reprobate Kart Night
Trailer Tuesday gets animals interested in volleyball, messes with puzzling doors, and starts fights with skeletons while racing go karts.
‘Kitsune Tails’ – Platforming, Cute Outfits, & Lesbian Love Triangles
Kitsune Tails delivers some solid platforming challenges, great power-ups through adorable costumes, and a challenging romantic situation.
Trailer Tuesday – Last Digital Island Sale
Trailer Tuesday is interested in universe-sized purchases, birthday parties for grim reapers, and making wild bike deliveries this week.
IGPlus’ Game of the Year 2024 – Judero
In a time when there is such a massive push to eradicate the humanity from art, Judero shows the vital importance of heart and connection.
IGPlus’ Must Plays of 2024 – Joel’s Picks
Complex mysteries that require deep thought and explorations of history through photography round out Joel’s Must Plays of 2024.
Trailer Tuesday – One Haunting Raccoon Story
Trailer Tuesday helps raccoons sneak about, explores tiny objects through a lens of imagination, and puts some puzzling s’mores together.
‘Dreams on a Pillow’ – History & Guilt Through a Mother’s Flight
Dreams on a Pillow explores a Palestinian folk story of a woman’s guilt & trauma over losing her child during the 1948 Nakba ethnic cleansing.